Service Quantity
Service Quantity calculation rules create bill lines that levy charges based on some type of consumption.
Frequently the amount consumed is measured by a meter's registers and sometimes it's calculated using Pre-Processing calculation and sometimes it's derived based on the type of item (such as, lamps). Regardless of how the amount consumed is calculated, the charge for the consumption amount is levied using this type of calculation rule.
Rule Name: Service Quantity
Base Package Calculation Rule Business Object: C1-ServiceQuantity
Apply Calculation Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: C1-SQ
Rule Parameters:
Calculation Details: Details regarding how the calculation rule performs its calculations:
Unit of Measure: The UOM used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
Time of Use: The TOU used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
Service Quantity Identifier: The SQI used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
Error If No Value: A flag that indicates (Yes or No) if a bill error should be generated if the UOM/TOU/SQI specified on the rule was not supplied at billing time.
Measures Peak: Indicates (Yes or No) if the UOM/TOU/SQI specified for the rule is used to measure peak (demand) values.
GL Statistical Qty: A flag that specifies (Yes or No) if GL journal lines generated for this calculation rule should also contain the service quantity amount as a statistical quantity. You would use this option if you keep track of both dollar amounts and consumption units in your general ledger.
Seasonal: See Common Parameters.
Value Type: Defines the type of price to be used in the rule's calculations. Valid options include Charge, Percentage, or Unit Rate.
Value Source: Defines the source of the price used in the rule's calculations. Depending on the source selected, this will be a Bill Factor, Value, or Algorithm.
Example: This calculation rule calculates charges based a customer's KWH consumption.
Calculation Group: Electric Residential Charges
Calculation Rule: KWHCHRG
Sequence: 10
Description: kWh Unit Rate
Description On Bill: Usage %Q at %R per kWh
Print: Yes
Print if Zero: No
Rounding Type: Nearest
Precision: 0.01000
Override Proration: No
Calculation Details:
Unit of Measure: Kilowatt hour
Error If No Value: Yes
Measures Peak: No
GL Statistical Qty: Yes
Seasonal: No
Value Type: Unit Rate
Value Source: Value
Value: 0.0482000
GL Distribution:
Distribution Source Code: Specific Distribution Code
Distribution Code: Revenue - Electric - Residential
Cross Reference:
Target Category:
Category Type:
Category Value:
Member Category (Category Type / Value): Revenue / Consumption Charge