Using the Customer Operational Dashboard
This portal is used to display the Customer Operational Dashboard.
You can access the portal from the Main > Dashboards > Customer Operational Dashboard. Once you've selected this menu option, you're immediately brought to the initial tab of the dashboard.
The Billing tab displays the following zones:
Billing Trend: displays bill completion counts and billed amounts by date.
Bill Print Trend: displays bill print counts by date.
Open Bill Issues Trend: displays open bill issue counts by date.
The Payment tab displays the following zones:
Payment Trend - All Sources: displays payment counts and payment amounts from all sources.
Payment Trend - Upload: displays upload payment counts and payment amounts.
The To Do tab displays the following zones:
To Do Completion By User: displays To Do completion counts by user.
To Do Work Time By User: displays average To Do work time by user.
The Batch Performance tab shows a series of zones related to any defined Performance Targets for batches. More information on Performance Targets can be found in the Framework guide.
Refer to each zone’s embedded help for more information.