Defining Feature Configurations
Some system features are configured by populating options on a "feature configuration". Because various options throughout the system may be controlled by settings in feature configuration, this section does not document all the disparate possible options. The topics below simply describe how to use this transaction in a generic way.
For information about specific features:
Refer to the detailed description of each option type.
Use the index in the online help and search for ‘feature configuration’ to find any specific topics describing feature options in the administration guide.
You can create options to control features that you develop for your implementation. To do this:
Review the lookup values for the lookup field EXT_​SYS_​TYP_​FLG. If your new option can be logically categorized within an existing feature type, note the lookup value. If your new option warrants a new feature type, add a lookup value to this lookup field.
Define the feature's option types. If you have identified an existing feature type to add the options to, find the lookup with the name xxxx_​OPT_​TYP_​FLG where xxxx is the lookup value of EXT_​SYS_​TYP_​FLG noted above. If you decided to create a new feature type (by adding a new lookup value to the EXT_​SYS_​TYP_​FLG lookup, you must create a new lookup with the name xxxx_​OPT_​TYP_​FLG where xxxx is the new value you defined above.
Flush all caches.