Installation Options - Messages
Select Admin > General > Installation Options - Framework and the Messages tab to review or enter messages that will appear throughout the application when a given event occurs.
The Message collection contains messages that are used in various parts of the system. For each message, define the Installation Message Type and Installation Message Text. The following table describes the Message Types provided by the framework product and how they are used in the system. Your specific product may have introduced addition message types.
Message Type
How The Message Is Used
Company Title for Reports
This message appears as a title line on the sample reports provided with the system. Generally it is your company name. It is only used if you have installed reporting functionality and are using the sample reports (or have designed your reports to use this message).
Domain Name
The text entered for this message type is meant to identify the environment and can be used for logic where it is useful to indicate the environment for a user. For example, the email sent when a background process finishes includes this information, if populated.