Defining Extendable Lookups
Extendable lookups are a way of defining valid values that are more sophisticated than simple lookups.
Refer to Defining Valid Values for some background information.
The base product provides extendable lookups as part of the product. The following points highlight some functionality related to base-package extendable lookups.
The base product may supply base extendable lookup values. Implementations are not permitted to remove base delivered extendable lookup values. It is also possible that implementations may be able to add custom values to base owned lookups. If an implementation is not permitted to add lookup values to the base extendable lookup, the extendable lookup’s business object will include validation to prevent this. There is no equivalent of the Custom switch that is on the lookup field.
There may be some scenarios where the product supplies a base extendable lookup with no base lookup values supplied. This occurs when the product doesn’t have any base functionality driven by the extendable lookup values. The configuration guide for the functional area associated with the extendable lookup should include a configuration step regarding defining values for this type of extendable lookup.
The description of base delivered values may be overridden by an implementation.
Open this page using Admin > General > Extendable Lookup.
You are brought to the Extendable Lookup Query where you need to search for the extendable lookup object (i.e., its business object).
Once you have found the appropriate extendable lookup, select the value and you are brought to a standard All-in-One portal that lists the existing lookup values for the extendable lookup. The standard actions for an All-in-One portal are available here.