Error Post-Processing Logic
The product supports executing one or more algorithms when a batch process encounters an error that causes execution to stop. This allows for some special processing to occur to handle the failure of the batch job. Algorithms for this plug-in spot receive the batch control, batch run number, batch processing business date, number of threads and the list of the ad hoc parameters of the batch job.
This plug-in spot is available for all Java based batch programs. For programs of type Java (converted), the individual batch programs need to explicitly support this plug-in spot. Unless otherwise noted, assume that a Java (converted) program does not support it.
The following are some examples of functionality that may be executed when a batch job fails:
Another object or record that is monitoring the batch job may have its status updated to reflect the batch status.
An outbound message service may be invoked to perform a task related to the failure.
Note that the units of work for all threads are committed prior to executing the error post-processing logic.