Creating Performance Target Zones
Once a performance target and its objects have been defined, a unique zone needs to be created to display and monitor the specific target.
The framework functionality for batch performance targets implements the zone creation via the related business object lifecycle. When a performance target is added, status enter plug-ins are responsible for generating the new zone using the template zone and prefix configured on the target category (or the override values) and adding the zone to the portal configured on the target type. When a performance target is inactivated, an enter plug in is responsible for removing the zone from the portal.
While the template zone associated with the performance target category may be overridden, the zone generation algorithm makes certain assumptions about the zone type and parameters. In particular, the logic expects to configure a zone parameter that references the performance target code as input to the business service responsible for calculating the metrics.
Refer to the base Batch Performance Target business object (F1-BatchPerformanceTarget) for details of the lifecycle and the enter plug-ins responsible for performance target zone creation.