Use a Sample Report as a Starting Point
Make a copy of the report and save it in an appropriate directory. Prefix the new report name with CM.
Review the stored procedure(s) used for this report. Refer to the installation guide for information about where the stored procedures should be defined. If you want to change the data that is being accessed, copy the stored procedure, prefixing the new stored procedure with CM. Make the appropriate changes in the new version of the stored procedure. Contact your database administrator to find out the procedure for creating a new stored procedure.
Note:Performance considerations. When designing a stored procedure, you must consider the performance of the report when executed. Consult your database administrator when designing your database access to ensure that all issues are considered.
Note:Defining Messages. The stored procedures provided with the system use messages defined in message category 30. If your new stored procedures require new messages, use message category 90000 or greater, which are reserved for implementations.
Review the parameters used by the report. Make appropriate changes to the parameters required by the report. This affects how you define your report. Refer to Designing Parameters for more information.
Determine whether or not you require cross validation for your report parameters. If any cross validation is necessary, you should design an appropriate validation algorithm to be executed when requesting a report in your product. Refer to Designing Validation Algorithms for more information.
Note:Cross Validation for On-line Submission Only. The cross validation algorithm is only executed for ad-hoc report submissions via your product. If you submit this report through your reporting tool, this algorithm is not executed.
Review the labels used by the report. Labels and other verbiage are implemented in the sample reports using a reference to the field table in the system. This enables the report to be rendered in the appropriate language for the user. For any new report label you require, you must define a new field entry. Refer to Designing Labels for more information.
Review the layout of the report and make any desired changes based on your business needs.
When you have finished designing and coding your new report in your reporting tool, you must do the following in order for it to be usable:
Publish the report in BI Publisher. Refer to the documentation for this products for details about publishing a report. Refer to Publishing Reports in BI Publisher for configuration information specific to publishing a report for integration with your product.
Define the report. Refer to Designing Your Report Definition for more information.