Deploying XAI Inbound Service via IWS
For implementations using XAI inbound services for external messages, the product recommends moving to the inbound web service mechanism, which uses the Java EE Web Application Server to communicate with the product rather than the XAI servlet.
For XAI inbound services that use the Business Adapter, it is straight forward to move to IWS because the configuration is similar. In both cases, the service is configured to reference a business object, business service or service script. The associated WSDL for each record is similar. Changing the interface for the incoming message to use IWS instead of XAI inbound services is similar.
However, for XAI inbound services that use the Core Adapter, these services reference an underlying "page service" in the product. For these services, the Request and Response schemas for the XAI inbound service were created using the Schema Editor. In order to support calling an underlying "page service" in IWS, first a business service must be created to reference the page service (if one doesn’t already exist). However, the resulting schema for the business service is different from the Request and Response schemas related to the XAI inbound service. Moving this functionality to IWS using business services requires changes to the format of the incoming messages.
Moving all incoming messages over to use IWS instead of XAI is the product recommendation. However, to aid in implementations that have many integrations in place using the XAI inbound services that use the Core Adapter (or any adapter whose message class is BASEADA), the product provides the ability to deploy these types of XAI inbound services to the Java EE Web Application Server along with the Inbound Web Services.
To take advantage of this capability, you must define a feature configuration option. Under the External Messages feature configuration type, the Support XAI Services via IWS is used to indicate if this feature is supported. Setting the value to true turns on the feature. If no option is defined for that option type, it is equivalent to setting the value to false.
When the system is configured to support XAI services via IWS, the Inbound SOAP Web Service deployment includes XAI inbound services (that are configured with an Adapter that references the BASEADA message class). The deployment portal will also include a zone showing the deployment status of these XAI Inbound Services.
There is no support for XAI inbound services via REST, only via inbound SOAP web services.