Impacted Business Process
The product supplies support for associating one or more impacted business processes to a business flag type. This configuration is used when functionality for that business process is impacted in some way based on the existence of a business flag of a given type. For example, maybe some process is put on hold when a certain type of business flag exists.
Note that configuring a business process on business flag type is not enough to trigger any impact on that business process when a business flag exists. There must also be some logic implemented in the business process functionality itself that knows to look for a business flag for a given record that is configured to impact the business process.
The definition of the business process is at the discretion of the edge application that supplies functionality to support this. For example, the business process could be defined as something broad such as “billing” or could be something more granular such as “billing estimation”. The system supplies an extendable lookup to use for configuring the supported business processes. Refer to the values of the business process extendable lookup in your edge application or to the edge application specific Business Flag documentation for more information about supported business processes.