User Menu
The User menu is available in the application toolbar to provide access to user-specific options. Open the menu by clicking the User icon .
Note:Configurable Menu. Additional menu entries may be visible in your implementation as this menu configuration allows for additional options to be defined.
Select the Preferences entry in the menu to view or modify your settings in a form that appears in the Main tab in the object display area. Alternatively, use the following shortcut key to access preferences directly.
Keyboard Shortcut
Refer to User Preferences for more information.
Switch UI View
Select the Switch UI View entry in the menu to change the user experience from the current system default to the prior user experience or from the prior user experience to the current version. This option is only available for users that have access to the F1UIVIEW application service.
Select the Logout entry in the menu to complete your current session of the application. Clicking this item logs the current user out and displays the Welcome page so that another user can login. Alternatively, use the following shortcut key to logout.
Keyboard Shortcut