Batch Job Submission - Main
This page allows you to submit a batch job on-line. Navigate to this page using Menu > Tools > Batch Job Submission.
Description of Page
The Batch Job ID is a system generated random number that identifies a particular submission.
To submit a batch job, choose the Batch Code for the process you wish to submit.
The following parameters are provided with each background process:
Thread Number should typically be set to 0. Refer to Running Multi-threaded Processes for situations where populating a value other than 0 are warranted.
Thread Count is used to control whether a background processes is run single threaded or in multiple parallel threads. It contains the total number of threads that have been scheduled. For example, if the process has been set up to run in 20 parallel threads, each of the 20 instances receives a thread count of 20. Refer to Running Multi-threaded Processes for more information about populating this field.
Not all processes may be run multi-threaded. Refer to the description of a batch control to find out if it runs multi-threaded.
Batch Rerun Number is only used for background processes that download information that belongs to given run number. It should only be supplied if you need to download an historical run (rather than the latest run).
Batch Business Date is only used for background processes that use a date in their processing. In Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, for example, a billing process can use the business date to determine which bill cycles should be downloaded. If this parameter is left blank, the system date is used at the time the background process is executed.
Saving a record on this page does not submit the batch job immediately. A special background process will run periodically to find pending records and submit them. Depending on how often the special process checks for pending records and depending on how many other pending records are in the 'queue', there may be a slight lag in submission time. If the desired execution date/time is close to midnight, it is possible that your batch job will run on the day after you submit it. If you have left the business date blank in this case, keep in mind that your business date would be set to the day after you submit the job.
Override Nbr Records To Commit and Override Max Timeout Minutes. These parameters are optional and override each background process's Standard Commit Records and Standard Cursor Re-Initiation Minutes. (Each background process's Standard Commit Records / Standard Cursor Re-Initiation Minutes should be documented in the detailed description of the batch control record). Note that Max Timeout Minutes corresponds to the Cursor Re-initiation Minutes.
Refer to Parameters Supplied to Background Processes for more information.
User ID is the user ID associated with the run of the background process. It may differ from the user who submitted the batch, as described below. Refer to Parameters Supplied to Background Processes for more information about the significance of the user id.
This field defaults to the id of the current user.
Language is used to access language-specific control table values. For example, error messages are presented in this language code.
If you wish the system to notify you when the batch job is complete, enter your Email ID. Refer to Email Notification for more information.
This field defaults to the email address for the current user, if populated on the user record.
The Desired Execution Date/Time defaults to the current date and time. Override this information if you wish the background process to be executed at some future date and time. Refer to Submitting Jobs in the Future for more information.
The Batch Job Status indicates the current status of the batch job. Refer to Lifecycle of a Batch Job Submission for more information.
The Submission Method indicates how the batch job was initiated. Valid methods include:
Online - populated when a user manually creates or manually duplicates a batch job submission.
Generated - populated by algorithms that submit a batch job and by 'initiator' batch jobs that submit other batch jobs.
Scheduled - populated by the DBMS scheduler.  Note that for other schedulers, it is not advised to use this value as there may be logic and validation related to records created with this value that may not apply to other schedulers.
Timed - populated by the batch daemon that submits timed batch jobs.
Other - populated when no other value is provided.
Additional values may be added by your implementation. Refer to the lookup SUBMIT_​METH_​FLG for a list of the submission methods supported by your system.
The Submission User indicates who initiated the batch job. This value is not populated for timed batch jobs or batch jobs submitted via a scheduler. It is only displayed if the field is populated.
The Program Name associated with the batch control code is displayed.
The following trace parameters may also be supplied to a background process and are only used during QA and benchmarking.
Trace Program Start Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be written whenever a program is started.
Trace Program Exit Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be written whenever a program is exited.
Trace SQL Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be written whenever an SQL statement is executed.
Trace Output Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be displayed for special information logged by the background process.
The information displayed when the trace output switch is turned on depends on each background process. It is possible that a background process displays no special information for this switch.
The location of the output of this trace information is defined by your system administrator at installation time.
If additional parameters have been defined for this background process on the Batch Control page, the Parameter Name, Description, Detailed Description and an indicator of whether or not the parameter is Required are displayed.
If a default parameter value is configured on the batch control configuration, that value is shown and may be overridden. Confirm or enter the appropriate Parameter Value for each parameter. Note that if the parameter value is configured to be Encrypted on the batch control configuration, the value here will be shown encrypted.
Once you have entered all the desired values, Save the record in order to include it in the queue for background processes.
If you wish to duplicate an existing batch job submission record, including all its parameter settings, display the submission record you wish to duplicate and use the Duplicate and Queue button. This will create a new Batch Job Submission entry in pending status. The new submission entry will be displayed.
If you wish to cancel a Pending or a Started record that does not have the Scheduled submission method, use the Cancel button. The button is disabled for all other status values.