Oracle HCM Cloud Employee Unavailability
This section focuses on importing the files that come as a part of the package and configuring them in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud environment for the integration to run successfully. Make sure to follow the same sequence for successful configuration.
Extract Name: HCM_ABS_WACS
Integration Name: HCMABSWACS
Extracting an Upload
To extract an upload:
1. Navigate to the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Extract page.
2. Click Upload and browse to the folder.
3. Upload the extract file “HCM_ABS_WACS”.Home page showing the My Client Groups section where Data Exchange option is to be found.
HCM Extracts section under which the Extract Definitions options is to be found.
Extract Definitions page where the extract file is to be uploaded.
4. Query the extract. Navigate to Advanced > Extract Execution Tree > Compile.
5. Verify that the Compile Status shows a green icon with a check-mark. Save and close.
6. Lock the extract definition.
Verifying the Run Screen
To verify the Run screen:
1. Check that all Value Sets and Mandatory fields are set.
2. Click on the extract name.Extract Definitions page where the extract file is to be uploaded.
3. Check that all values are populated on the Run screen.Verify that the legal entity row is populated with the correct values.Define page. On the navigation pane to the left the first option, Define, is selected. To the right, the Extract Attributes and the Parameters section are shown. The table with the values and their fields is located under the Parameters section.
4. On the Submit Extracts page, search the Job Extract.Detail of the Submit Extracts page where the Extracts section is to be found.
5. Click on the extract name. Validate the Legislative Group and Job Set values.