Plugins Rendering Data
This section explains how each plugin renders the data.
Valid measurement types received from Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Clod Service are assigned to "wam_valid_measurement_types" property and are obtained in runtime as XML string and displayed in plugin.
The individualMeasurementType-to-form.xsl and individualMeasurementTypeEdit-to-form.xsl are used to style the UI forms to add and update measurement information.
The measurement information is consolidated into "wam_measurements_output" property and made available for validateCompletion plugin.
Measurement reason types (wam_measurement_meter_reason, wam_measurement_gauge_reason) are populated based on the measurement type selected.
Resource Usage
resourceUsage-to-form.xsl provides the summary of Resource Usage Details page from where crew can add timesheets, equipment, and other resource usage. It also displays the resource usage details entered.
individualTimeUsage-to-form.xsl used to display add/update time sheet screens whereas crewTimeUsage-to-form.xsl is used to enter and update individual and crew timesheets.
individualEquipmentUsage-to-form.xsl and individualOtherUsage-to-form.xsl are used to enter equipment and other resource usages.
Upon completion of resource usage which calls Oracle Integration Cloud (Oracle Utilities OFS WACS Resource Usage Details integration flow) and update the details in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
Service History
The below XSL are applied to render the UI:
serviceHistoryTypes-to-form.xsl to show Service History List and the Entered Service histories
downtime-to-form.xsl for Downtime Service History form
failure-to-form.xsl for Failure Service History form
questionnaire-to-form.xsl for Questionnaire and Inspection Service History form
sh-to-form.xsl for General Service History form
entered-sht-count.xsl is used to count the entered service histories per each service history type
shAttachment-to-form.xsl to enter attachments
The valid service histories are displayed based on the service histories hold by "wam_asset_valid_service_history_types" property.
The asset failure information is displayed based on the values holds in "wam_failure_info" property.
The asset downtime reason is displayed based on the values holds in "wam_downtime_reason property.
The following BO categories are supported. (Questionnaire and Inspection are handled similarly):
Refer to Adding Custom Business Objects for more information.
If the completion message for service histories is greater than 655360, the message is split into multiple wam_service_history_output(i) where i values ranges from 1 to 20 (size upto 640KB) properties and made available for validateCompletion plugin.
Asset Component Install Exchange Undo
The below XSL are applied to render the UI:
assetQuery-to-form.xsl to show Install, Attach, Replace, and Undo operation screens.
Every operation will have have "wam_asset_effective_date_time" property on the screen defaulted to Current Date/Time which can be modified by the user.
Upon clicking "Search and Add" or "Search and Replace" for Install, Attach, and Replace operations, it calls Oracle Integration Cloud (Oracle Utilities OFS WACS Asset Query integration flow). If the response succeeds, the assets details are received and the operation is performed successfully. If the response fails, a valid error message is displayed on the screen.
Validate Completion
This plugin is used to validate and construct the final completion message obtained from individual plugins that is sent out by Oracle Field Service to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management. Click Complete.
The plugin validates to check if there are any pending service histories and all the required service histories are completed.
If the validations are not successful, click OK and fix the issue. If the validations are successful, the completion message is written to a temporary file and navigated to the End Activity screen. Click Submit to send the completion message to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management.
The plugin populates the “participation” node in the completion message with either “W1AW” or “W1AS” based on if the “Asset worked” was selected (checkbox selected) or not.
Lock Unlock
The index.html page provides the summary of Lock/Unlock status from where user can Lock or Unlock Activity.
Only on locking an activity crew can start the operations such as Asset Install, replace, remove, adding timesheet, Equipment and other details. A crew member can lock the activity without starting it. Once activity is locked by any crew it can be unlocked by himself or from dispatch console.
The Lock Unlock functionality can be enabled/disabled by setting the lock.functionality property in the WAMOFSC_ConfigProps lookup to “true” or “false” in Oracle Integration Cloud. While creating the work activity, if lock.functionality is set to “true”, then crew can start the activity and perform operations only after locking the activity.
If it is set to “false”, the Lock button in the Oracle Field Service is disabled. So, a crew can perform all the operations without locking the activity.
When the lock.functionality property is set to “true”, if the activity is assigned to a supervisor and locked by the supervisor, assisting resources cannot perform any operation on this activity.
When the lock.functionality property is set to “true” and supervisor does not lock the activity, the assisting resource can still modify the resource usage plugin. Supervisors should lock the activity to restrict the assistants to perform any operation.
When the lock.functionality is set to “false”, assisting resource will have access to supervisor's activity. The assisting resource can perform all the operations, such as asset install, replace, remove, adding timesheet, equipment and other details, adding service histories etc…
Pick Up
assetQuery-to-form.xsl displays the asset query screen to query assets from Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management using asset badge number or location.
pickupWork-to-form.xsl provides crew member with a drop-down option to choose the level from work order, work request-asset related or work request-non-asset related.
workOrderRequest-to-form.xsl displays a form where crew member can add details for work order or work request created.
On clicking Query New Asset, the crew gets navigated to Asset Query page which calls the Oracle Integration for Cloud flow (Oracle Utilities OFS WACS Asset Query). The crew member can click Clear Selection to clear the selected asset.
materials-to-form.xsl displays a drop-down containing list of trucks assisting the crew to update the truck inventories of selected truck.
moveMaterials-to-activity-form.xsl displays Use/Undo Use Item, Install/Undo Install Asset and Attach/Undo Attach component screens from truck inventories.
Initial sync of truck inventories can be performed from the dispatch console by clicking Sync Truck Inventories.