Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service Integration to Oracle ERP Financial Cloud for General Ledger and Accounts Payable helps to facilitate the transfer of refund and ledger information between the two applications.
For more information about the functionality, refer to the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service Integration to Oracle ERP Financial Cloud for General Ledger and Accounts Payable 22C documentation at: https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/energy-water/integrations-index.html
The integration supports the following flows:
General Ledger Sync (Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service or Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing initiated)
Account Payable - Refund Request for Adjustment (Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service or Oracle Customer Care and Billing initiated)
Payment information for Refund Request of Adjustment (Oracle ERP Financial Cloud initiated)
The following diagram illustrates the business processes supported in this integration. Illustrates the business processes supported in this product integration.