Forms and Plugins
Use the plugins modify screen and data based on their type and status of target and parent object. They invoke the response for badge number input from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service in the device verification plugin and retrieve the service points from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service based on the search criteria by the crew in Oracle Field Service to create unrelated pickup activity using unrelated pickup activity plugin.
The Device Verification plugin accepts badge number of the device and in response sends various parameters from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service, such as unit of meter, time of use, read sequence, dials, and decimals and SH data if available after verifying the badge number in the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service environment.
Crew populates the search criteria in the Unrelated Pickup Activity. The plugin fetches service points from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service and displays this information in Oracle Field Service. Crew can select the service point that needs to create an unrelated pickup activity.
The Service history plugin tracks the service or maintenance performed on an asset. The crew can add/save/complete/delete the service history of a meter/item/equipment.
The Attachments plugin helps crew to upload any files that are related to the activity.
The validate completion plugin helps crew to validate the eligibility to the activity to complete.
Device Verification Plugin
To configure a Device Verification plugin:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Forms and Plugins.
2. Click the Import Plugins button to import the Device Verification plugin provided in the package.Forms and Plugins page. The Import Plugins button is the second one from right to left.
3. In the Plugin Settings pane, do the following:
1. Enter the OIC username and password.
2. Select VerifyDevice in plugin XML file.
3. Select “HTML5” from the Type drop-down list.
4. Configure the following secure parameters before using the Device Verification plugin.
Parameter Name
Configure OIC user name
Configure OIC password
Configure the OIC end point URL of Device Verification flow
Modify plugin page, where the user is to provide the general information and plugin settings.
5. Make sure the Available Properties tab is populated with all the properties shown below.Available properties section with several properties tags.
6. Click Device Verification to configure the plugin.
7. On the User Type screen configurations, select Device Verification to connect it to the specific field on the UI in the Mobility page.Device Verificaton option selected within Device Details section. The pencil button next to plugins field is highlighted on this image.
Crew could verify the existence of a device using the Device Verification feature where the search is based on Badge Number or Serial Number. Manufacturer and Model are part of Device Verification response from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service and gets auto-populated in the respective fields.
To use this feature:
1. Select Install Meter Activity > New Meter Details.
2. Click Verify Device to view the existence of the device.
The Device Details page displays both Badge Number (mandatory) and Serial Number (optional).
If the device exists based on the search criteria, the New Meter Details page is displayed with autopopulated details including the register information sent by Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
New Meter Details section. Manufacturer and Model dropdowns show Accumeter and IND1300 respectively, and are highlated on this image.
Note: The Oracle Field Service mobile device application has the capability to search the meter badge number through barcode scanner. So that no need to enter meter badge number manually while doing the device verification.
Custom Activity Type Support
The Device Verification plugin supports custom activity types other than Meter Install and Meter Exchange.
Follow the below steps to support custom activity type:
1. Log in to Oracle Field Service.
2. Navigate to Configuration, then Properties.
3. Search for the c2m_device_verify_act_types property.
4. Click Modify.
5. Add the Enum entry.
6. Enter the Activity Type Label in the Index field and Device Type in the Value field.
Unrelated Pickup Activity
To configure an unrelated pickup activity:
1. On the Configuration page, navigate to Forms & Plugins.
2. Click the Import icon to import the Unrelated Pickup plugin provided in the package.
3. Select the unrelated pickup plugin and enter the following details:
Parameter Name
https://oichost/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/ OUTL-BA-CCS_OFSC_SP_QUERY/1.0/
Configure the activated service point url.
User Name
Configure the OIC user name
Configure the OIC password
OFSC user name
Configure the OFSC user name
OFSC password
Configure the OFSC Password
OFSC Bucket External ID
Configure the OFSC Bucket
Configure the OFSC REST API url
Latitue format value (Ex:N2.7)
Configure the format of latitude
Longitude format value (Ex:N3.7)
Configure the format of longitude
Note: Username and password would be the client ID and client secret that can be retrieved from Oracle Field Service. Unrelated pickup information section.
4. Click Configuration and select the user type.
5. Navigate to the Screen Configuration tab.
6. Click Application screens to display the structure. Click Activity list. Screen Configuration tab, second from left to righ, is selected here. It shows an application screens map. Here Activity list application screen is highlighted.
7. On the left pane, click Click to add and select the unrelated plugin.Add button popup window where te user is to select the unrelated plugin.
8. On the right pane, add new visibility.Plugin information page showing the Add new visibility section.
9. Make sure the Available Properties tab displays all the properties as shown in the figure below.Available Properties section showing several Activity tags.
10. After the plugin is configured, select the XML file in the User Type Screen Configurations field to connect it to the specific field on the UI in the Mobility page.
CORS Setup
As part of the unrelated pick up functionality, from the plugin, there is an invocation call to OFSC REST API which needs CORS setup.
To call OFSC REST API from the plugin, set up cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in Oracle Field Service as follows:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Applications > Additional restrictions.
2. Select Allow Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) from the following web domains and provide the Oracle Field Service domain.
3. If the domain details are unknown, enter an asterisk (*). For the actual Oracle Field Service domain contact the Oracle Field Service support team.Additional restrictions section. Here the Allow Cross-origin resource sharing option checkbox is selected.
Crew can specify search criteria and send request to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service for service points. From the retrieved service points, crew can select a service point and raise a service investigation activity. The search criteria includes address, city, postal code, latitude and longitude.
1. On the Mobility page, select Unrelated Pickup to use this feature.Field Service Cloud Mobility page. The Unrelated Pickup link is located at the bottom left under My Route section.
2. On the Unrelated Pickup page search for service points.Search for Service Point section.
List of Service Points section showing the search results.
3. Select the desired service point from the list and click Select.
4. Click Add Activity to create the activity.
After successful creation of the activity in Oracle Field Service, the corresponding activity is created in Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.Add activity section showing the activity details.