User Types
User types manage all user permissions. Each user type has a profile that defines security and display permissions, such as the user's login method, the ability to use certain functions, and access to menu items and properties. Screen-configuration settings define the screens, windows, pop-up windows and other elements visible to a certain user type. They also support the context layout editor, in which the content, arrangement, and visibilities of each context are set.
Use the Screen Configuration settings in specific user types to create custom screen context layouts for the integration.
The user types that are part of this integration are:
Prerequisite! Make sure the Properties, Activity Types, and Plugins are loaded before proceeding.
To configure the user types:
1. Login to Oracle Field Service with valid credentials.
2. Click the icon on the Home page.
3. Navigate to the Configuration page > Users, Security, Integrations > User Types.
4. Click Import to import the user types.
5. On the Choose file field, click Browse to select NMS_OFSC_Mobile_User_Types.
6. Click Validate. Make sure the Successfully Imported validation shows “1”.
7. Click Import and verify the import is successful. Make sure there are no “Imported with warnings” and “Not Imported” messages.
8. Repeat step 6 and 7 for Import > NMS_OFSC_Dispatcher_User_Type. Make sure that there are no “Imported with warnings” and “Not Imported” messages.
After the Dispatcher user type is set up, perform the following:
1. Make sure the Dispatcher user type import is successful without warnings.
2. Navigate to Resources > Search for admin user. Note the user type configured in your environment.
3. Navigate to Configuration > User types > NMS OFSC Dispatch Administrator.
4. On the General tab, configure the display profile as 'NMS OFSC Dispatch Administrator' and the profile that was configured to admin user.
5. Navigate to Resources search for admin and click Edit.
Note: If already set for any of the existing integration, you can skip this step.
6. Set the user type as “NMS OFSC Dispatch Administrator”.
7. Enter the password and click Submit.
Make sure that the Access settings are selected for both the user types.