Overview of the Integration
The integration between Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System components facilitates the exchange of information related to controllable devices at a customer’s premise.
This integration can be leveraged to support customer enrollment, unenrollment, load reduction forecasts, program event participation outcomes and energy (kWh) avoided.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service is responsible for managing (demand response) programs and initiating program enrollments and orchestration of the customer enrollment journey. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports the creation, scheduling and dispatching of (demand response) events, whilst Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes load reduction forecast values for each customer to facilitate optimal resource utilization during event creation and post an event derives actual energy reduction for each customer to allow financial settlement calculations.
When a customer has successfully enrolled into or unenrolled from a program, Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights needs to update the customer’s information so that they can be included or excluded from the load forecast reduction computation. This pre-built integration will facilitate the synchronizing of such enrollment and unenrollments from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Note: The initial release is focused on supporting enrollments for customer-owned demand-response devices like Smart Thermostats.
On completion of a (demand response) program event, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System will receive the actual outcome for all devices that participated in the event via Oracle Utilities Live Energy Connect (LEC) via external entities like Aggregators/Head End Systems. This pre-built integration will allow Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System to share the event outcome for each device with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights so that it can record the event participation outcome and factor it during computation of actual energy (kWh) consumption avoided for an event and for computing load reduction forecasts.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes an estimated load reduction forecast for each metered service point that is associated to an active program on a daily basis using key inputs like energy consumption data, event participation outcomes and weather forecasts. This pre-built integration will allow Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to share this with Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System to be factored during determining the portfolio of customers to be called upon during a demand response event.
To facilitate the financial settlements for a customer’s participation in an event, Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights derives the actual energy (kWh) consumption avoided for the event duration using inputs from the event outcome message, the interval consumption data measured for the event duration and the customer’s consumption pattern. This pre-built integration allows Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to pass the kWh avoided value to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service for each customer post an event so that an accurate settlement is performed.
To summarize, the integration can be leveraged to:
Synchronize the customer’s program subscription information on successful enrollments and unenrollments from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Send event outcome for all participating devices from Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Periodically transfer the estimated load reduction forecast for each metered service point from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System.
Transfer the actual kWh Avoided value for each participating customer post an event participation from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
The following diagram illustrates the business processes supported in this integration.