The integration between Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System components facilitates the exchange of information related to controllable devices at a customer's premise.
This integration can be leveraged to support customer enrollments, unenrollments, load reduction forecasts, program event participation outcomes, and energy (kWh) avoided calculations.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service is responsible for managing (demand response) programs and initiating program enrollments and orchestration of the customer enrollment journey. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports the creation, scheduling, and dispatching of (demand response) events, whilst Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes load reduction forecast values for each customer to facilitate optimal resource utilization during event creation. Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights is also responsible for calculation of post event actual energy reduction for each customer to allow financial settlement calculations.
For more information about the functionality, refer to the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Integration to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System Configuration Guide included in this release. The documentation is available on Oracle Help Center at: https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/energy-water/integrations-index.html
This integration supports the following flows:
Synchronizing the customer’s program subscription information on the back of enrollments and unenrollments from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Transferring of Load Reduction Forecast values for customers enrolled to active programs from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System.
Sending of post event device outcome responses from Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Transfer the computed post event kWh Avoided values for participating customers from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
The following diagram illustrates the business processes supported in this integration. Illustrates the business processes supported in this product integration
In this integration, Oracle Integration Cloud is used as a middleware to connect the applications. It uses REST APIs to facilitate communication between these two applications.