Email Notifications
This pre-built integration includes a configurable email notification for technical errors and business completions.
To receive a technical error email notification:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Navigate to Integrations > Designer > Lookups.
3. Edit the OUTL-BRT-OUAI_DACS_DRMS_ConfigProps lookup.
4. Change the property value to ‘true’.
5. Edit the OUTL-BRT-OUAI_DACS_DRMS_Email_ID lookup.
a. In the From field, enter the email ID to receive an email from.
b. In the To field, enter the email ID to send the email to.
c. In the Email_Id column, provide the comma separated email IDs.
Note: In the OUTL-BRT-OUAI_DACS_DRMS_Email_ID lookup, do not edit the values provided in the Recipient column.
To receive business completion notifications:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Navigate to Integrations > Designer > Lookups.
3. Edit the OUTL-BRT-OUAI_DACS_DRMS_ConfigProps lookup.
Change the property value to ‘true’.
Change the property value to ‘true’, if you want to be notified even if no files were found during a scheduled run.
4. Edit the OUTL-BRT-OUAI_DACS_DRMS_Email_ID lookup.
a. In the From field, enter the email ID to receive an email from.
b. In the corresponding,, and fields, enter the email ID of the recipient.
c. In the Email_Id column, provide the comma separated email IDs.