Configuring Admin Data
For GL Extract
To configure Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service admin data setup for the GL Extract integration:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
2. Navigate to Algorithm.
Define the Journal Categories in algorithm W1ERPGLEXREC.
The parameter values for the different journal categories must be a valid value in Manage Journal Categories Setup Task page in Oracle ERP Financial Cloud.
3. Navigate to Master Configuration > ERP Integration Master Config.
Define the Ledger ID, Journal Source and Delimiter parameters under the Financial Configuration section of the ERP Integration Master Configuration.
The Ledger ID provided must be a valid value in Manage Primary Ledgers page in Oracle ERP Financial Cloud.
The Journal Entry Source provided must be a valid value in the Manage Journal Sources Setup Task page in Oracle ERP Financial Cloud.
Define the Delimiter to be used for the GL Extract integration. This is the same delimiter used in the Chart of Accounts integration.
4. Navigate to Master Configuration > Financial Master Configuration.
Define the GL Extract Batch Code under the Financial Transaction Parameters section. This value must be set to W1-ERPGL batch control.
5. If applicable, navigate to ERP Integration.
Define the Owning System of the Maintenance Objects responsible for generating Financial Transactions and GLs. The Owning System must be set to Work and Asset Management.
For Chart of Accounts Synchronization
To configure Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service admin data setup for the Chart of Accounts Sync integration:
1. Navigate to External System.
Define the External System representing the Oracle ERP system. This will be referenced in other Admin objects.
2. Navigate to Master Configuration > Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration.
a. Create a row for the ERP External System and Cost Center Maintenance Object (MO): W1-COSTCTR for Chart of Account Sync Integration.
b. Defines the Ongoing Sync Request Business Object and Key Reference View for the Chart of Accounts integration. The Ongoing Sync Request Business Object processes the Sync Request. The Key Reference View tracks previously synced Chart of Accounts, and is used to determine if the Sync Request transaction will add or update Cost Centers and Expense Codes.
The following table shows a sample reference:
Maintenance Object
Ongoing Sync Request BO
Ongoing Sync Key Reference View
Identifier Type
(Cost Center)
(Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request)
(Ongoing Sync Key Cost Center View)
3. Navigate to Master Configuration > Master Data Synchronization Configuration.
Create a Key Reference Mapping row for the Cost Center Foreign Key Reference and ERP External System. This row should reference Initial and Ongoing Sync Key Reference Views to track Cost Centers that have already been synced. This configuration will be used to convert external keys to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service keys.
The following table shows a sample reference:
FK Reference
Initial Sync Key Reference View
Ongoing Sync Key Reference View
External System
Identifier Type
W1-CSCTR (Cost Center)
VW (Initial Sync Key Cost Center View)
W1_ON_COST_CENTER_VW (Ongoing Sync Key Cost Center View)
ERP External System
4. Navigate to Master Configuration > Financial Master Configuration.
In the Cost Center Parameters section, set Validate Cost Center/Expense Code to Yes. This allows the Expense Code collection to be visible on the Cost Center Portal.
5. Navigate to Data Area.
Create a Cost Center Account Segments Data Area that references the "W1-CostCenterAccountSegments" as an Extended Data Area.
This Data Area defines how the Account Segments will be stored within the Cost Center object. The schema should define 10 segments and 10 descriptions, with the element names matching the ERP Integration Master Config - Financial Configuration mappings. All elements should be group by the CM element "cmAccountSegments".
Sample Schema Reference
<cmAccountSegments type="group">
<company mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<companyDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<lobDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<costCenter mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<costCenterDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<expenseCode mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<expenseCodeDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<product mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<productDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<intercompany mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<intercompanyDescription mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment7 mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment7Description mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment8 mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment8Description mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment9 mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment9Description mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment10 mdField="ACCOUNT_SEGMENT" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
<segment10Description mdField="DESCR100" mapXML="BO_DATA_AREA"/>
6. Navigate to Master Configuration > ERP Integration Master Config.
a. In the Main section, define the Oracle ERP External System.
b. In the Financial Configuration section, 10 segments must be populated. One must be the Cost Center segment and another the Expense Code segment defined. The Delimiter will define the separation character sent in the REST Web Service request.
The following table shows a sample reference.
Element Name
Account Segment Type
Include in Cost Center
Expense Code
7. Navigate to Business Object > Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request BO.
For Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request BO Lifecycle: The Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request is used for SOA-based ERP integrations. The configuration for these existing integrations needs to be modified as follows.
a. On the Pending Lifecycle Status, a deferred monitor is enabled by default. This defers processing of the Sync Request until the Ongoing Sync Request - Pending (W1-SIOPE) Batch Control job is run. Clearing this deferred monitor would allow immediate processing of the Sync Request. This is an optional change.
b. SOA-based ERP integrations required positive/negative acknowledgement messages to be returned to the ERP system. These are not need for the Oracle Application Cloud - ERP Financial Cloud integrations. On the Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request Business Object, inactivate the following lifecycle algorithms. To inactivate the algorithm, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
a. Synchronized (SYNCHRONIZED) Status - Create Positive Acknowledgement for ERP (W1-CPOSAERP)
b. Negative Acknowledgement Sent (NEG-ACK-SENT) Status - Create Negative Acknowledgement (W1-CRENEGACK)