Configuring Lookups
The following table lists the lookups that are part of this integration.
DVM Name
Used to configure the integration properties. Maps PropertyName column to the respective Value column.
Note: Do not change the values under the PropertyName column.
Used to map the ERPPM_ProjectStatus value to WACS_ProjectStatus.
Used to map ERPPM_WorkType with WACS_ProjectCategory.
OUTL-BRT-WACS_ERPPM_OwningAcc essGroup
Used to map WACS_OwningAccessGroup with ERP_OrganizationName.
Used to configure email IDs to receive notifications. It maps the 'from' and 'to' recipient values to the mentioned email IDs. You can configure multiple emails by using a comma to separate the email IDs.
Editing Lookups
To edit a lookup:
1. Login to Oracle Integration for Cloud.
2. Navigate to Integrations > Designer > Lookups.
3. Select the look up to edit.
4. Make the necessary changes.
5. Click Save and Close.