Setting Up Oracle Utilities Network Management System
This section describes how to configure the Oracle Utilities Network Management System to meet the requirements for the integration.
Generic IVR Adapter: Processes trouble calls received from Oracle Utilities Customer To Meter. It is part of Oracle Utilities Outage Management Standard Edition.
The Generic IVR Adapter has to run with the '-troublecall' command-line option to enable trouble call data flow. The command-line option '-docustquery' should not be used because correct customer information is expected to be received from the Oracle Utilities Customer To Meter system.
For more information on configuring Generic IVR Adapter, see the Generic IVR Adapter chapter in Oracle Utilities Network Management System Adapters Guide.
Time Zone Configuration
The TIMEZONE parameter in the CES_PARAMETERS database table specifies the name of the time zone used by the Oracle Utilities Network Management System backend services and database.
This parameter is used by the PK_CCB PL/SQL package to convert input data to the correct timezone for storing in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System database and to add timezone information to output data. A list of the time zone region names known to the database can be obtained from the V$TIMEZONE_NAME dynamic performance view. Time zone region name should be used instead of a simple offset to ensure that Daylight Savings Time is accounted for.
External ID Prefix
All valid external ID prefix values must be specified using the configuration rule 'callIdPrefix'. If this is not configured, retrieving call and job history by the External ID of a call may not work properly.
External ID prefix is the first few characters of the external ID and is used to identify the system where the trouble call originated (for example, if external ID is '2389583093' then '2' can be the prefix indicating that this call came from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing). It is also used to guarantee that each call has unique external ID value.
For more information on configuring and working with Oracle Utilities Network Management System, see the Oracle Utilities Network Management System User Guide and Configuration Guide. The chapter called Building the System Data Model in the Configuration Guide contains information about connecting customer data to Oracle Utilities Network Management System electrical model.