Deploying Individual Composites
To deploy individual composites:
1. Open a Command prompt, and execute the following commands for Linux and Windows respectively.
ant -f DeployUndeployUtility.xml -DInstallProperties=$PRODUCT_HOME/config/InstallProperties.xml DeployComposite
ant -f DeployUndeployUtility.xml -DInstallProperties=%PRODUCT_HOME%\
config\InstallProperties.xml DeployComposite
2. Validate the following parameters when prompted with default values during deployment. Press ENTER to use the default value.
Composite Name: Name of the composite to be deployed to SOA server. This parameter does not have a default value.
Composite Folder Location: The folder name should be an absolute path beginning with <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/<EBF>.
Example: If you are planning to deploy the composite from <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/EBF, pass <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/EBF to this property.
If you are planning to deploy the composite from Error Handling then <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/Utility, pass <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/Utility to this property.
The default value for this property is <PRODUCT_HOME>/services/industry/Utilities/EBF. Most of the business-specific composites reside in this folder.
SOA Partition Name: The SOA partition name to which the composite should be deployed. Enter the composite name to be deployed from the partition.
Example: OUC2MOUNMSCustomerSyncEBF
3. Press Enter to use the default value. Refer to Verifying Composites in Enterprise Managerto review the composites for this integration.