Deploying the MDS Folder
Perform the following steps to deploy the MDS folder:
1. Open a command prompt and execute the following commands in Linux and Windows respectively:
ant -f DeployUndeployUtility.xml -DInstallProperties=$PRODUCT_HOME/config/InstallProperties.xml DeployMDS
ant -f DeployUndeployUtility.xml -DInstallProperties=%PRODUCT_HOME%\
config\InstallProperties.xml DeployMDS
2. Validate the MDS Folder Name parameter when prompted with default values during deployment. Press ENTER to use the default value.
DVM Changes
When new DVM values are added to a DVM file, the DVM folder must be updated in MDS. This command will not only deploy the files that were changed but the whole DVM folder.
Pass /AIAMetaData/dvm as the MDS Folder Name and the entire DVM folder will deploy to MDS.
When the DVMs are updated from the SOA composer, verify that the values are updated in the /MDS-Artifacts/C2M-NMS/AIAMetaData/dvm folder.
If not, the changes made from the composer will be overridden by the PRODUCT_HOME values.
Custom Schema Changes
If custom elements are added to either or both of the edge application schemas, the ApplicationObjectLibrary folder must be updated in MDS.
Do one of the following:
Pass C2M-NMS/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary to deploy the schema folders, or
Pass C2M-NMS/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/OUC2M to deploy only the C2M schema folder