Update MDS
If there is any change in the endpoints of the participating applications, references of those endpoints in the integration have to be updated to point to the correct URIs. In order to make the changes, update the $PRODUCT_HOME/config/InstallProperties.xml file with the correct edge application details and updateMDS.
1. Open a command prompt and execute the following commands to update MDS.
ant -f InstallBuild.xml updateMDS -DInstallProperties=$PRODUCT_HOME/config/InstallProperties.xml | tee $PRODUCT_HOME/bin/updatemds.log
ant -f InstallBuild.xml updateMDS -DInstallProperties=%PRODUCT_HOME%/config/InstallProperties.xml -l %PRODUCT_HOME%/bin/updatemds.log
This command performs the following tasks:
Updates the edge application endpoint URIs in ConfigurationProperties.xml file
Updates the edge application endpoint URIs in Application Object Library directory $PRODUCT_HOME/MDS-Artifacts/OUC2M/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/<ApplicationFolder>
Example: C2M-NMS/MDS-Artifacts/C2M-NMS/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/OUC2M/V1/wsdls
2. Restart the managed server to verify the changes.