Match Event Lifecycle
The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a match event:
Match events are initially created in the open state. Financial transactions (FT's) linked to open match events affect arrears, but not in an open-item fashion. Rather, FT's linked to open match events affect arrears in a balance-forward fashion. Refer to Open Item Versus Balance Forward Accounting for more information about these two accounting methods.
A user may delete an open match event. When an open match event is deleted, its FT's may be linked to other match events.
The system automatically changes an open event's status to balanced when the sum of the debit financial transactions (FT's) equals the sum of the credit FT's for each SA on the match event. It's worth stressing that a match event may contain FT's from many SAs and each SA's FT's must sum to zero before the match event can become balanced.
A user may re open a balanced event (by adding / removing FT's so that the match event becomes unbalanced).
A user may cancel a balanced or open match event. Refer to How Are Match Events Cancelled? for more information about cancellation.