Payment Event Business Object
A business object (BO) must be created for the PAY EVENT maintenance object. You must specify this BO as the option value for the CIS Payment Event Add BO option type on the Financial Transaction Options Feature Configuration. This BO must have the Currency Conversion Script BO option defined. This BPA script is invoked when the user clicks on the Currency Converter button during CIS payment processing on the payment portal.
Currency conversion logic is customizable. The base product includes a script for currency conversion called C1-ConvCurr that's plugged in on the C1-CISPaymentEvent business object. This script converts an alternate currency amount to the account's currency using a bill factor value. The bill factor to use is derived by concatenating the alternate currency code and the account's currency code. For example, if converting US Dollars (USD) to Barbados Dollars (BBD) the bill factor code to use would be USDBBD. Your implementation can change this logic by developing a new script and plugging it into the payment event business object.