Overriding Initiative Sign Up Options
The behavior of the Sign Up action on Lead maintenance is controlled by two business object options on the initiative:
Sign Up UI Map
Sign Up Service Script
When invoking a lead’s Sign Up action, the system retrieves these options and displays or executes them accordingly.
The base-owned parent initiative business object, C1–Initiative, is supplied with the Sign Up Service Script option referencing the C1-IntvSignU script. To override this, add another Sign Up Service Script option with a higher sequence number.
The Sign Up UI map, on the other hand, is not plugged in on the base BO, because this could vary across implementations. The Sign Up UI map C1-SignUpResponseCh provided in base simply prompts for a Response Channel. Implementations can use this map or their own specific map.
The system does not issue an error if the Sign Up UI map is not specified. It proceeds with executing the Sign Up Service Script and, if there are no problems, displays a sign up confirmation. The base-supplied C1-IntvSignU script includes logic to recheck the account’s eligibility for the initiative and update the Has Signed Up indicator on the lead.