Override Conditions
Your credit & collection requirements may not require any overrides and therefore this section may not be relevant for your organization.
The matrix presented in the previous section showed:
You can have different collection criteria for different categories of debt and customers.
When a collection criteria is violated, the system generates a specific collection process.
This works great for many organizations, but if your organization has other factors that affect either the collection criteria OR the collection process that is initiated when the criteria is violated, you may need to use override collection criteria. For example,
If you have a different collection process for regulated, residential debt during the winter months, you'll need to use override collection criteria (where the override criteria is "if it's winter").
If you have different collection criteria for customers with a poor credit score, you'll need to use override collection criteria (where the override criteria is "if the customer's credit rating is poor").
This section describes how and when the Account Debt Monitor analyzes an account's debt.