Setting Up Payment Methods
Payment methods are used to describe how a customer intends to make their pay plan's scheduled payments. Open Admin > Credit & Collection > Pay Method to define your payment methods.
For more information refer to A Pay Plan Must Reference A Payment Method for more information.
Description of Page
To modify a pay method, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new pay method, press + to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Pay Method The name of the payment method.
Description A meaningful description of the payment method.
Grace Days The number of days added to the scheduled payment date. The ADM will consider the pay plan to be broken if payment is not made by the scheduled date plus the grace days.
Auto Pay If the pay method is marked as being for Auto Pay, the PPAPAY background process will automatically create an automatic payment on the pay plan's scheduled payment dates IF the account has been set up for automatic payment.