Severance Event Lifecycle
The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a severance event:
The following points explain the lifecycle of severance events of the office variety:
Office events are initially created in the pending state.
A pending office event becomes complete when the system sees that its trigger date is on or before the current date. At this time, the system executes the event's activity (e.g., create a letter, create To Do entry).
For more information about a severance event's trigger date, see Severance Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.
A pending office event will be cancelled automatically by the system when the debt associated with the severance process's service agreement is sufficiently reduced. A pending office event may also be cancelled by a user at their discretion. Refer to How Are Severance Processes Cancelled for more information about how the system will cancel a severance process (and its events).
The following points explain the lifecycle of severance events of the field variety:
Field events are initially created in the pending state.
A pending field event becomes awaiting field activity completion when the system sees that its trigger date is on or before the current date. At this time, the system creates the field activities associated with the given event (e.g., disconnection warning, disconnect for nonpayment, etc.).
For more information about a severance event's trigger date, refer to Severance Event Dependencies & Trigger Date. For more information about the field activities that are created for a field severance event, refer to Field Events And Their Activities.
An awaiting field activity completion field event becomes complete when the system sees that its field activities are all complete or cancelled.
A pending field event will be cancelled automatically by the system when the service agreement associated with the severance event's severance process has sufficient credits. A pending field event may also be cancelled by a user at their discretion.
An awaiting field activity completion field event will be cancelled automatically by the system when the service agreement associated with the severance event's severance process has sufficient credits if the field activity has not been dispatched (refer to Designing Your Reconnection Procedures for information on how the system handles the situation if the field activity is completed or dispatched). An awaiting field activity completion event may also be cancelled by a user at their discretion.