Renewing Non-Billed Budgets
A Non-Billed Budget can be renewed either manually or via a background process. When the Non-Billed Budget SA is created, the expiration date, renewal date and the recommendation rule used to create the initial budget are kept with the SA. A renewal flag on the Non-Billed Budget SA type controls if a renewal is required, optional or not allowed. If renewal is required, a user must specify a renewal date when creating the service agreement. The renewal date is defaulted on to an SA based on the valued of the Days Before Expiration for Renewal field on the SA type.
An algorithm on the SA type can customize the processing required to renew an SA.
Executes the SA renewal algorithm (specified on the SA type) when the renewal date is reached (i.e., it is on or before the process date). The base package comes with an algorithm type ( SARN-NB) that determines the current recommendation rule for a non-billed budget and executes the associated payment schedule algorithm using the Non-Billed Budget SA-specific parameter values to generate a new schedule. It returns new expiration and renewal dates.
If the renewal algorithm is successful, the renewal and expiration date fields on the SA are updated with the new values.
If the renewal process is not successful, a To Do list entry (of type TD-SARN) is created for the account and SA.
The new payment schedule that is returned from the renewal process for a Non-Billed Budget is appended to the current schedule.
A user can manually launch the renewal process for a Non-Billed Budget SA by clicking the Renew NBB button on the Non-Billed Budget maintenance page .