Consumption Extract Requests - Batch Controls
The consumption extraction process uses a set of base package batch controls to extract and format the interval data for export.
Create Daily Consumption Extract Requests (D2-CRERQ): This batch process scans for active Consumption Extract Types, and for each one that has Frequency of Automated Daily creates a pending request. This process should be scheduled to run daily (or at another regular interval).
The following sample batch controls are provided to extract and format interval data. Unique batch controls of each of these is required for each consumption extract type. You should create custom versions of the above batch controls for each consumption extract type in your implementation. Extract type-specific versions of these batch controls should be specified in the "Batch Control" section on the Consumption Extract Type as appropriate.
Initial Load/Ongoing Consumption Extract (D2-IDEPD): This batch process extracts interval data for a specified period. This batch control uses the "Initial Load/Ongoing Extract Algorithm" defined on the Consumption Extract Type.
Historical Corrections Consumption Extract (D2-IDEHC): This batch process extracts interval data for historical corrections. This batch control uses the "Historical Corrections Extract Algorithm" defined on the Consumption Extract Type.
Use the Batch Control portal for more information about these batch controls. The extract batch controls contain parameters that can be used to specify details (including path and file name for this file.) for a delimited flat file containing extracted data.