Consumption Extract Requests
Initial load and ongoing consumption extracts are created via Consumption Extract Requests. While extracts of these types can be created via adhoc submission of a batch job, requests are the preferred method for these types of consumption extracts.
The consumption extract request business object lifecycle includes logic that maintains and updates the "Extraction Through Date/Time" field on Consumption Extract Types, which is used to determine if daily requests should be created by the "Create Daily Consumption Extract Requests" batch control, and detect historical corrections.
A single business object is provided in the base package for consumption extract requests:
Consumption Request (D2-IntervalDataExtRepository): This business object contains the information and lifecycle responsible for submitting the extract job, monitoring the run until it's finished, and then updating the Consumption Extract Type's "Extract Through Date/Time" on the Consumption Extract Type. This business object is based on the Request (F1-REQ) maintenance object.
The consumption extract process uses a set of base package algorithms to extract and format the interval data for export. These algorithms are specified in the '"Algorithms" section on the Consumption Extract Type as appropriate. These algorithms can be configured to allow for extraction of data for frequently-read scalar measuring components as well as interval measuring components. Frequently-read scalar measuring components are defined as scalar measuring components whose Read Method is set to "Automatic Read." When extracting measurements for frequently-read scalar measuring components, scalar measurements are converted to interval measurements as part of the extraction process. This conversion uses the profile associated with the measuring component type. If no profile can be found, the interval data uses a flat line profile.
Initial Load / Incremental / Ongoing Requests: the following algorithms are used to extract and format interval data for initial load and incremental / ongoing requests:
Extract Initial Load/Ongoing Consumption for DataConnect (D2-IDEXTPRD): This algorithm retrieves a service point's consumption for a given period and writes the results to a flat file.
Extract Tab-Delimited Initial Load/Ongoing Consumption (with UTC Offset) (D2-IDEXTPRDU): This algorithm retrieves a service point's consumption for a given period and writes the results to a tab-delimited flat file. This algorithm also supports adjusting the consumption based on Daylight Saving Time.
Extract Initial/Ongoing Consumption and Apply TOU Map for DataConnect (D2-IDEXTPTOU): This algorithm retrieves a service point's consumption for a given period, applies a TOU Map to the consumption, and writes the results to a flat file
Extract Tab-Delimited Initial/Ongoing Consumption and Apply TOU Map (with UTC Offset) (D2-IDEXTPTUU): This algorithm retrieves a service point's consumption for a given period, applies a TOU Map to the consumption, and writes the results to a tab-delimited flat file. This algorithm also supports adjusting the consumption based on Daylight Saving Time.
Historical Corrections: the following algorithms are used to extract and format interval data for historical correction requests.
Extract Historical Correction Consumption for DataConnect (D2-IDEXTIMD): This algorithm retrieves historical correction consumption for a service point and writes the results to a flat file.
Extract Tab-Delimited Historical Correction Consumption (with UTC Offset) (D2-IDEXTIMDU): This algorithm retrieves historical correction consumption for a service point and writes the results to a tab-delimited flat file. This algorithm also supports adjusting the consumption based on Daylight Saving Time.
Extract Historical Corrections and Apply TOU Map for DataConnect (D2-IDEXTITOU): This algorithm retrieves historical correction consumption for a service point, applies a TOU map to the consumption, and writes the results to a flat file.
Extract Tab-Delimited Historical Corrections and Apply TOU Map (with UTC Offset) (D2-IDEXTITUU): This algorithm retrieves historical correction consumption for a service point, applies a TOU map to the consumption, and writes the results to a tab-delimited flat file. This algorithm also supports adjusting the consumption based on Daylight Saving Time.