Customer and Premise Data Extracts: Maintenance Object Audit Algorithms
Detecting changes in customer and premise data can be identified by audit algorithms on the following maintenance objects:
Service Agreement
Service Point (MDM Service Point)
Install Event
The Generic Change Data Capture algorithm type (F1-GCHG-CDCP), which is provided in the base package, can be used to create audit algorithms for following maintenance objects:
Service Agreement
Service Point (MDM Service Point)
Install Event
In addition, the following audit algorithm types can be used to create audit algorithms for customer and premise data:
Account Change Data Capture (Customer Data Extract) (C1-ACCECDCCU)
Person Change Data Capture (Customer Data Extract) (C1-PERECDCCU)
Account Mailing Address Change Data Capture (C1ACCMACDC)
Device Change Data Capture (SP/Meter-Based) (D1-SPDV-CDCP)
Install Event Change Data Capture (SP/Meter-Based) (D1-SPIE-CDCP)
Device Change Data Capture (SP/Meter-Based) (D1-SPDC-CDCP)
The following algorithm types are used with v1 ONLY.
An Account Change Data Capture (SA-Based) – Include Reactivated SAs algorithm type (C1-ACCCDCSAR) is provided in the base package. This algorithm type can be used to create an audit algorithm on the Account maintenance object to determine if a service agreement sync request record is to be created for each of the account’s non-closed, non-canceled service agreement(s). A change in a related account’s details will instantiate a Service Agreement Extract Sync Request (of the type defined for the SA Sync Request BO algorithm parameter) if one does not already exist in the initial state for the service agreement. The base package also contains an algorithm (C1-ACCECDCSA) that is based on this algorithm type.
A Person Change Data Capture (SA-Based) – Include Reactivated SAs algorithm type (C1-ACCCDCSAR) is provided in the base package. This algorithm type can be used to create an audit algorithm on the Person maintenance object to determine if a service agreement sync request record is to be created for each of the person’s non-closed, non-canceled service agreement(s). A change in the main person details linked to the service agreement’s account will instantiate a Service Agreement Extract Sync Request (of the type defined for the SA Sync Request BO algorithm parameter) if one does not already exist in the initial state for the service agreement. The base package also contains an algorithm (C1-PERECDCSA) that is based on this algorithm type.