Communication History Search
Search Fields:
The following options allow you to search for and find the desired communications:
Search By (dropdown) allows you to specify the type of communication that you want to find. You can search for Customer Contacts, Notifications from Oracle Utilities Notification Center and Lead Event logs, or all communications, which combine the previous two.
Start Date and End Date allow you to set a targeted range of communications.
Search By Context (dropdown) allows you to specify whether the communication is associated to the Person, Account, or Premise.
Hide Notification Logs allows you to display the search results with or without the log entries.
The Hide Notification Logs option displays when applicable to the selected Search By option.
Results Grid:
The following details are displayed for each communication:
Date / Time:
For a customer contact related entry, the Customer Contact Date / Time for the communication
For lead / lead event related entries, the Log Date / Time where the Log Type is Notification for the communication
For a customer contact related entry, the Contact Class Description / Contact Type Description is displayed
For lead / lead event related entries, the Log Messages for both the lead / lead event for the communication is displayed. There will be one entry for the lead and another for the lead event. If the lead / lead event created a customer contact for a communication, then an entry for the customer contact will also exist.
Related Object:
For a customer contact related entry, a hyperlink to the customer contact record
For lead / lead event related entries, there will be one entry for the lead and another for the lead event.
For the lead related entry, a hyperlink to the lead related to the communication
For the lead event related entry, a hyperlink to the lead event related to the communication