Financial Information Zone
The Financial Information Zone is a grid that contains financial information related to the account. Clicking the hyperlink transfers you to the appropriate page. The following table lists the type of information that appears in this zone and the page to which you are transferred if you click the adjacent icon.
Rows are suppressed if the related data is blank for the person / account.
What Is Displayed
Drill Down Transfers You To
Current Balance
The account's current balance. If the account's current balance is greater than zero, a colored bar is displayed adjacent. This bar provides information about the age of the account's debt. Refer to Current Customer Zone for more information about this bar.
Clicking on the Arrears Bar or the hyperlink takes you to Account Financial History - Main
Payoff Balance
The account's payoff balance. It will only be displayed if the amount differs from the current balance.
Not applicable
Last Bill
The date and amount of the account's last bill along with its due date.
Bill - Main
Last Payment
The date and amount of the account's last payment.
Payment Event - Main
Previous Bill
The date and amount of the bill prior to the last bill for the account.
Bill - Main
Next Bill Date
The next date on which a bill is scheduled to be produced for the account (based on the account's bill cycle's schedule)
Not applicable
Pending Bill Exists
The date of the pending bill. This row only appears if there is a pending bill associated with the account
Bill - Main
Freezable Bill Segments
If freezable bill segments exist, this row contains the number of segments and their total amount.
Bill Segment - Main
Incomplete Adjustments
If incomplete adjustments exist, this row contains the number of adjustments and their total amount.
Adjustment - Main
Freezable Adjustments
If freezable adjustments exist, this row contains the number of adjustments and their total amount.
Adjustment - Main
Payment(s) Pending Upload
Appears when the account has a pending payment staging record (i.e., the account has an external payment that has not been uploaded into the system). To prevent payments from being created and frozen before the actual payment is received, external payments are not uploaded into the system until their accounting date is reached.
Note that the amount displayed represents the amount tendered for the account, but does not reflect how the payment may be distributed (i.e., the payment may be distributed to other accounts).
For information about payment staging records, refer to Interfacing Payments from External Sources.
Payment Upload Staging
Incomplete Payment(s)
Appears when the account has payments that are incomplete. This row contains the number of payments and their total amount. Note, incomplete automatic payments that are pending distribution are not included in this alert as they are highlighted on the Auto Pay will be distributed on described below.
Payment - Main
Payment(s) with Errors
Appears when the account has payments that are in error. This row contains the number of payments and their total amount.
Payment - Main
Freezable Payments)
If freezable payments, this row contains the number of payments and their total amount.
Payment Event - Main
Auto Pay will be created on
This row shows the date that the next auto pay will be created. This alert will appear after a bill is completed for an account on auto pay and when your installation option's Auto Pay Creation Option is Create on Extract Date. If the installation option is Create at Bill Completion, then the Autopay will be created immediately at bill completion time and no information is displayed here. Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created? for more information.
Bill - Main
Auto Pay will be distributed on
This row shows the date that the next auto pay will be distributed. This alert will appear after a bill is completed for an account on auto pay and when your installation option's Auto Pay Creation Option is Create on Extract Date. If the installation option is Create at Bill Completion, then the payment for the Autopay will be created immediately at bill completion time and no information is displayed here. Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created? for more information.
Payment Event - Main