Search Facilities
Control Central allows users to search for a person, account and/or premise using a variety of search criteria.
The following search options are provided in the base product:
Name and Address: searches for an accounts, person and / or premise using a person’s name and / or a service address.
Account ID: searches for an account using an Account ID.
Person Contact: searches for accounts / persons using a person contact.
Phone Number: searches for accounts / persons using a phone number.
Person ID Type/Value: searches for accounts / persons using a person identifier.
Geo Type/Value: searches for a premise using the geographic identifier of the premise or of one if its service points.
Refer to each search option’s zone help for details on the search criteria.
From the search results lists, you can select a record to navigate to Control Central - Account Information, where information about the customer is displayed. You can also navigate to other pages in Control Central to view more information about the account, person and / or premise.
Automatic transfer to Account Information tab. If your search criteria result in a single customer being retrieved, you are automatically transferred to Control Central - Account Information with that customer's information displayed.
Meter Search
Control Central does not provide an option to search using a meter ID. If you know the meter’s identifier, transfer to 360 Search by Device and search for the meter. Use the hyperlinks to navigate to 360 Degree Views, to see more details about the meter and its related measuring component(s) and service point.
Item Search
Control Central does not provide an option to search using an item ID. If you know the item’s identifier, transfer to 360 Search by Device and search for the item. Use the hyperlinks to navigate to 360 Degree Views, to see more details about the item and its related service point.