Service Agreement - SA / SP
The SA / SP page contains the service points that are linked to the service agreement. This information is only displayed if the service agreement's SA type allows service points.
This information is updated by the system when service is started. You should only have to access this page if you need to fine-tune what the system defaults.
You must understand the "V" very well before attempting to maintain this information. Refer to Understanding The "V" for more information.
Use Menu > Customer Information > Service Agreement > Search and navigate to the SA/SP page
Description of Page
Billing uses SA / SP information to amalgamate consumption when it calculates a bill segment for the service agreement. The following fields are displayed:
Service Point ID The identity of the service point. The type and location of the service point is displayed adjacent. This field is gray after the service point is committed to the database.
Meter/Item Info The meter / item that is currently installed at the service point is displayed.
How to Use (SP) Indicates how billing uses the consumption associated with the service point. This field is gray for item-type service points. Valid values are: Add, Check, Subtract. Add service points have their consumption added to the total amount of consumption billed under a service agreement. Subtract service points have their consumption subtracted from the total amount of consumption billed under a service agreement. Check service points are ignored by billing.
Use Percent Indicates the percentage of this service point's consumption that is billed under the service agreement. This field is gray for item-type service points.
Start Date/Time The date and time the service point's consumption starts being billed under the service agreement. This is defaulted from the service agreement's start date.
For SAs whose type has a special role of Bill Determinants Required, the time component of the start date/time does not necessarily reflect the SA’s cutoff time.
Start Meter Read is not applicable for Customer to Meter (C2M).
Stop Date/Time The date and time the service point's consumption stops being billed under the service agreement. This is defaulted from the service agreement's end date.
For SAs whose type has a special role of Bill Determinants Required, the time component of the stop date/time does not necessarily reflect the SA’s cutoff time.
Stop Meter Read is not applicable for Customer to Meter (C2M).
The Field Activity grid contains the list of field activity requests that have been generated in respect of this SA / SP. Refer to Field Activities to Start Service, Field Activities to Stop Service and The Big Picture Of Severance Events for more information.
Field Activity The unique ID of any field activity associated with starting, stopping, investigating, or severing the service at the service point.
Field Activity Type Indicates why the field activity is linked to the SA/SP. Valid values are Start Activity, Stop Activity, Severance Activity, Cut Process, or Service Activity.
The Characteristics grid contains characteristics that are only applicable for a given SA / SP combination. These are typically only used for obscure SA/SP relationships for which unusual pricing terms
You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the SA/SP record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.
The following fields display:
Effective Date Indicate the date on which the characteristic value becomes effective. The service agreement's start date defaults.
Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic.
Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic.