Start/Stop - Start Confirmation
The Start SA Confirmation page appears after a user clicks the Start button on Start/Stop - Main. This page presents a summary of the service agreement(s) that will be created if the Start button on this page is clicked. Refer to How To for a description of how to perform common start functions.
Description of Page
The Account ID and the primary name of the account's main customer are displayed at the top of the page.
The Start Date is the date on which the service is scheduled to start.
Start Requested By contains the name of the person who requested the start.
The SAs to Start scroll contains an entry for every service agreement that will be created if you click the Start button. If you do not want a service agreement to be created, click the - button (or turn off Start this SA). If you'd like to start a non-premise oriented service agreement, click the + button. The following fields appear on this page:
Start this SA Turn this switch on if you want this type of service agreement to be created. Turn this switch off if you do not want this type of service agreement to be created.
If you used a Start Method of Start a SA on the Start/Stop page, this switch will be turned on by default.
If you used a Start Method of Start a Premise (or Start Premise SPs ) and this is the first customer at a premise, this switch will be turned on for all service agreements that appear in the scroll. However, if there was a previous customer at the premise, this switch is only turned on for those types of service agreements used by the previous customer (we assume the new customer only wants the services used by the previous customer). Service agreements that are possible, but were not used by the previous customer, will appear in the scroll with this switch turned off.
CIS Division / SA Type These fields define the type of service agreement that will be created. If you change the CIS Division, you must change the SA Type to reflect one of the services that the division manages.
If the service agreement’s account’s CIS Division’s Restrict to Account CIS Division flag is set to Restricted, the CIS Division is set to the account’s CIS Division and cannot be changed.
If the SA is linked to a service point, the SA types are restricted based on the type(s) of service points (SP) the system has associated with the service agreement (as indicated in the message box). If there are no SPs, only SA types that don't use SPs are displayed. If there is a single SP, only SA types valid for the related SP Type are displayed. If there are multiple SPs, only SA types valid for all related SP Types are displayed.
Start Option Some SA Types have start options. A start option defines the rate and contract terms defaulted on the service agreement. This field will be gray if the SA type does not use start options.
Total Amount to Bill Use this field if the service agreement is supposed to bill a given amount over its lifetime. This is typically used for deposit service agreements to define the amount of the deposit that should be billed. If the deposit is billed in installments, the installment amount is specified in the next field. This field is gray if the respective SA type doesn't use the Total Amount to Bill option.
This button is only appears if the SA type has a "special role" of Cash Deposit and references a deposit class. When clicked, the system attempts to calculate a recommended deposit amount by calling the recommended deposit amount algorithm that is plugged in on the SA type's deposit class.
Customer Read Use this value to define if the customer reads their own meter. Valid values are Yes and No. This field does not appear for some SA types.
Allow Estimates Turn on this switch if it's OK for the system to use estimated usage from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management for this service agreement's agreement consumption if a real meter read is missing at billing time. If the SA type does not allow estimates, this does not appear.
Recurring Charge Amount This field's label is dynamic based on the content of the Recurring Charge Amount Label on the respective SA Type. This field is gray if the respective SA type doesn't use the Recurring Charge option. This field is typically used only for the following types of service agreements:
• Service agreements on a levelized payment plan. This field contains the amount charged each month for the service regardless of the actual amount owed.
• Merchandise service agreements on an installment plan. This field contains the installment amount.
• Deposit service agreements on an installment plan. This field contains the installment amount.
• Charitable contribution service agreement. This field contains the contribution amount.
Default note. The recurring charge amount defaults based on the Start Option.
SIC Select the SIC code associated with the customer. This is typically used only for commercial and industrial customers.
Business Activity Enter a description of the business activity at the location where this service is being started.
SA Information This is a display-only area that provides information about the specific pending start SA. For example, information about the service points linked to the SA will be displayed for SP-oriented service agreements.
Messages This is a display-only area that that provides information about the account's start/stop situation in general. For example, if there are multiple accounts paying for service at the premise an appropriate message will be displayed.
When you click the Start button, the system performs the following for every service:
A service agreement is created effective on the start date.
If a start option is specified, the service agreement's rate and contract terms are populated using information on the option. If a start option is not specified, the service agreement's rate is populated with the SA type's default rate.
Service points are linked to the service agreement (if the service agreement is service point-oriented). The SA/SP start date for each service point is the same as the SA's start date.
If you use a Start Method of Start Premise SPs on Start/Stop - Main, the SAs to Start are displayed in a grid; you can control the service agreements that appear using filter options. You may want to use the filter if you have a premise with a large number of service agreements to start.
Premise Info displays summary information about the premise at which services are to be started.
The section beneath Premise Info provides you with options that control which service agreements appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:
Use the SP Type Filter to restrict the service agreements that appear in the grid based on the SP type of the service points that will be linked to the service agreement. The following options are available:
All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict service agreements based on service point type.
Specific SP Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those that will be linked to service points of a specific SP Type.
Use the Geographic Type Filter to restrict the service agreements that appear in the grid based on a geographic type and value of the service points that will be linked to the service agreement. The following options are available:
All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict service agreements based on a geographic type and value.
<Geographic Type>. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those that will be linked to service points associated with the selected geographic type and Geographic Value.
Select whether to Include or Exclude service agreements that are linked to service points where Service Exists Already. These service agreements are those that would be not be started by default. Refer to the description of the Start this SA checkbox for more information on service agreements that would be not be started by default.
Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.
The Select All / Clear All buttons are used to select service agreements to start. These buttons are enabled if at least one service agreement is displayed in the grid.
30 service agreements at a time. Clicking Select All selects the first 30 service agreements in the grid. If more than 30 service agreements exist, you must select and start them in batches.
The grid that displays contains the SAs to Start that match your filter criteria. Click the drill down button to open the Start SA Confirmation Details page.
The fields in the grid on the Start SA Confirmation page and on the Start SA Confirmation Details page are as described above for the SAs to Start scroll. Differences are highlighted here:
SP Info This is summary information about the service point at which service is to be started.
SP Identifier The service point's SP type's identifying geographic type and value. Refer to Understanding Service Point Types. Up to three geo types and values are displayed in the SAs to Start grid.
Click the Start button on the Start SA Confirmation page to start the selected SAs. Click on the Close button to return to the main page - any changes made on this page since the last time you clicked Start are discarded.