Billable Charge - SQ Details
Optionally, you may specify service quantities associated with a billable charge. These are most commonly used when you want the system to calculate charges in addition to the billable charge lines (e.g., adding tax to the billable charge lines).
The SA must specify a rate. If you want the system to calculate additional charges based on the service quantities defined on this page, the related billable charge service agreement must reference a rate. This rate must have calculation rules that calculate charges based on the service quantities specified on this page. When the service agreement is next billed, the system will sweep on the billable charges and then call the rate and pass it the service quantities defined on this page. The rate will calculate the additional charges and these will be appended to the bill segment.
Open Menu > Financial > Billable Charge > Search and navigate to the SQ Details page to maintain a billable charges service quantities.
Description of Page
The following fields display:
Sequence Specify the sequence number of the SQ.
UOM Select the unit of measure of this SQ. One or more of UOM, TOU, or SQ Identifier must be selected.
TOU Select the time of use period.
SQ Identifier Select the SQ identifier.
Service Quantity Specify the number of units of this service quantity.