Cancel A Tender
Clicking Cancel causes the following to take place:
All payments associated with the tender's payment event are canceled.
The tender becomes canceled.
If the cancellation reason indicates the cancellation is due to non-sufficient funds, other actions may occur. Refer to NSF Cancellations for more information.
The Cancel button is enabled if the tender is not canceled
When clicked, the Tender Cancel window opens.
You must specify the following parameters to cancel a tender:
Select a Cancel Reason to describe why the tender is being canceled.
The system also needs to know which Bank Account To Charge the cancellation against. The system will default the Bank and Bank Account Key from the original bank information used when the tender was deposited. You can override them here.
When you click the OK button, the system cancels the tender and ALL payments linked to the event.
When non-canceled tenders are still linked to the event. If there are multiple tenders linked to the payment event, you must either add new payment(s) that equal the sum of the event's non-canceled tenders or cancel the remaining tenders.
Cancellation after cash back. If a customer tenders a check for $100, but only owes $80, the system will recommend returning $20 in cash to the customer (assuming the tender type for checks allows overpayment). If the tender type for checks is not "like cash", a second tender is created for -$20 (the first tender is for $100). If the check subsequently bounces, both tenders must be cancelled.