Payment Exception
When the system is unable to distribute a payment, a record to be written to the payment exception table with a message indicating the nature of the error. A common example of a payment exception is no service agreement to hold a credit. This can occur when an account overpays their debt and the account doesn't have a single service agreement that is allowed to hold a credit, a payment error is generated.
The system saves payments that are in error just as it saves payments that are error-free. This is done because payments are nothing more than a snapshot of the data that was used to distribute the payment. By saving the snapshot, you can see the information the system used when it detected the error and therefore more effectively correct it.
Every payment in error is written to the Payment Exception table (CI_​PAY_​EXCP). A To Do background process creates To Do entries for records in this table.
To view the messages associated with the exception records, schedule the TD-PYERR background process. This process generates a To Do entry for every record in the payment exception table.
After correcting the cause of the error, drill into the Payment and attempt to redistribute it.