Single Payment Event Dialog
If you have opted to always use the payment event distribution rules method as your default method, this section describes the default dialog setup when you navigate to the Payment Event page in Add mode.
Adding a single payment event at a time, allows for more complex payment event information to be captured.
Enter one row in the Tenders grid for every unique tender associated with the payment event.
Payor Account ID references the tendering account. The name of the account's main customer is displayed adjacent. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold, the warning Cash-Only appears.
If you change the Payor Account ID and the tender has an associated automatic payment request, the automatic payment request will be removed. A new automatic payment request will be created for the new Payor Account ID. Refer to Automatic Payments for more information.
Tender Amount is the amount of the tender.
Use Tender Type to define the form or remittance (e.g., cash, check, etc.). Note, the Tender Type defaults from the installation record.
Use Check Number if a check is remitted.
MICR ID is the value of the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on the payment.
The system supports encryption for MICR ID. If your implementation has configured the system to encrypt MICR ID, the data will be displayed with a masked value; such as, *******.Refer to Encrypting Sensitive Data for more information.
You may use Customer ID to record additional customer information.
You may use External Reference ID to record external information associated with the payment tender.
You may use Name to record additional payment tender information.
If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the page displays a section that includes information about how and when the automatic payment was interfaced to the payment source.
If the Tender Type is associated with an automatic payment, the system attempts to default automatic payment information from the account's auto-pay option if the tender type is the same as the tender type on the account's auto-pay source and if the auto pay option is effective on the payment date. If the system is unable to default information, you must specify the source of the funds and the customer's account number / credit card number at the financial institution.
Auto Pay Source is the financial institution / credit card company that receives the automatic payment request.
External Account ID is the customer's account number at the financial institution.
Expires On is only needed if the Tender Type indicates that an expiration date is necessary (e.g., for a credit card payment).
Name is the customer's name in the financial institution's system.
The following columns appear in the Payments grid:
Select a Distribution Rule by which the payment detail is to be processed. If you have set up a default distribution rule, it is defaulted in the first row.
Specify the Rule Value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.
Use Payment Amount to define the amount of the payment.
After specifying the various payment distribution details in the grid, click Create.
Go To Payment Event. If you wish to be transferred to the payment event page once processing is complete, remember to check the Go To Payment Event check box before you click Create. This field does not appear when this page is used as the default Payment Event - Add Dialog and you are automatically transferred to the payment event page once the payment event is created.
After distribution details have been processed, a short description of the payment event that has been created is displayed to the right of the Go To Payment Event field. The description provides information as to the status of the payment(s) created for the payment event. You can use this field to navigate to the payment event.
The system attempts to create the payment event as follows:
Validate that the sum of the tenders is not less than the sum of the payments.
Create the payment event with a separate payment tender for each row in the Tenders grid.
Summarize the total payment amount for each distinct group of distribution details having the same rule and value. For each distinct group, call the Create Payment algorithm defined on the distribution rule providing it with the rule value and total payment amount. It is the responsibility of this algorithm to create the payments for the payment event.
Add the distinct payment event distribution detail summary beneath the payment event.
If your implementation is configured for printing at a cashier station, the Print dialog appears. Refer to How To Print Receipts and Endorsements for more details.
Determine Tender Account. Having an explicit collection of tenders eliminate the need to determine the tender account. Therefore this dialog does not call the Determine Tender Account algorithm.