Financial Transaction - Main
Use Menu > Financial > Financial Transaction to update and maintain financial transaction information.
Navigating from source transactions. On the bill, payment, and adjustment maintenance pages, you can click the financial transaction go to button to transfer to this page.
Description of Page
Most of the attributes on this page are display-only. The following points describe the conditions under which certain fields may be modified:
Accounting Date may be modified until the financial transaction (FT) is interfaced to the GL (i.e., until the GL Distribution Status is Distributed ).
New Charge may be modified until the FT is swept onto a bill (when the next bill is completed for the FT's account). If New Charge is modifiable and turned off, Arrears Date must be specified.
Show on Bill and Correction can be modified until the FT is frozen.
The remainder of this section defines each of the fields on the page.
FT Type is the type of financial transaction. Values are: Adjustment, Adjustment Cancellation, Bill Segment, Bill Segment Cancellation, Pay Segment, and Pay Segment Cancellation. Click the go to button to view the originating transaction on the adjustment, bill, or payment page.
FT ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the financial transaction.
SA ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the service agreement to which the financial transaction is linked.
Bill ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the bill to which the financial transaction is linked. This field is only populated after the FT is swept onto a bill (and this happens when the next bill is completed for the FT's account).
Sibling ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the source transaction associated with the FT.
If this FT is associated with a bill segment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of the bill segment.
If this FT is associated with a payment segment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of the payment segment.
If this FT is associated with an adjustment, Sibling ID contains the unique identifier of the adjustment.
Parent ID contains the following:
If this FT is associated with a bill segment, Parent ID contains the unique identifier of the bill with which the bill segment is associated.
If this FT is associated with a payment segment, Parent ID contains the unique identifier of the payment with which the payment segment is associated.
If this FT is associated with an adjustment, Parent ID contains the adjustment type.
Create Date/Time are the date and time the FT was created.
Accounting Date is the accounting date that will be used by the general ledger to define the accounting period(s) into which the FT will be booked.
CIS Division is the CIS division associated with the FT. This comes from the CIS division linked to the FT's service agreement's SA type.
GL Division is the GL division associated with the FT. This comes from the GL division linked to the FT's service agreement's SA type.
Show on Bill indicates if the FT will be shown on the customer's bill. You should only turn this off for erroneous FTs that should not be shown to the customer. For example, if you cancel / rebill a bill segment and you want to suppress the resultant FTs on the printed bill, turn this switch off.
New Charge indicates if the FT's charge only starts aging when the FT is swept onto the next bill produced for the account. If you want to manually enter an Arrears Date you must turn this switch off. The system leaves this switch set when assigning an arrears date during the bill completion process. This is done so the system knows which FTs were assigned an arrears date during bill completion. If a completed bill is reopened, the arrears date is reassigned when the bill is completed.
Not In Arrears indicates if the FT's financial impact has been canceled and therefore should not be considered for arrears purposes. This switch is turned on by the system when a FT's source transaction in canceled (both the original FT and the cancellation FT are marked as Not In Arrears).
Match Event ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the match event to which the financial transaction is linked. This field is only enabled for Open Item Accounts. Be aware that changing a financial transaction's match event can result in the balancing / unbalancing of the prior and newly referenced match events.
Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging. This field is typically blank until the FT is swept onto the account's bill. If you want to start aging an FT on an historical date (for whatever reason), enter the appropriate Arrears Date. (Note - you must uncheck the "New Charge" box first in order to do this.) If the arrears date is assigned manually it is not updated during bill completion nor is it adjusted when a bill is reopened and completed again.
Correction causes the FT to be summarized in the correction area of the bill-at-a-glance. This is set by the system automatically when a bill segment is cancelled / rebilled after its parent bill is completed (i.e., sent to the customer).
Redundant indicates if the FT's financial impact is considered irrelevant. This only happens after an FT has reached an age that is no longer relevant for aging purposes (e.g., when the FT is older than 120 days - or whatever age has been set as the Oldest Bucket Age on the Installation Options) and when its balance is exactly equal to zero with respect to other redundant FTs of the service agreement.
Transferred Out indicates if the FT has been transferred to a service provider. This could only happen if the FT is associated with a SA that is associated with a "they bill for us" service provider. Refer to They Bill For Us for more information.
The Frozen switch is turned on when the FT has been frozen (i.e., posted to the service agreement's payoff and/or current balances). If this switch is on, both Freeze Date/Time and Frozen By are populated.
Current Amount contains the FT's impact on the service agreement's current amount.
Payoff Amount contains the FT's impact on the service agreement's payoff amount.
For more information, refer to Current Balance versus Payoff Balance.
Currency Code is the currency code associated with the FT's account.
GL Distribution Status defines the status of the FT in respect of its interface to the general ledger. When an FT is first created, its status is Pending . When an FT is frozen, this value is set to Generated. If you modify the GL details, the status becomes Modified. After it has been marked for interface to the general ledger by the GLS process, the status becomes Distributed.
GL Extract Dates display the Scheduled date that the GL details will be marked for interface to the general ledger. Note that this date is typically only set to a future date for FTs associated with automatic payments. Actual displays the date that the GL details were actually posted to the general ledger.
The grid at the bottom shows the FT's debits and credits (i.e., the detail journal lines). Debits are shown as positive amounts, credits are negative amounts. The following points describe rules governing if and how the information in the grid can be modified:
The FT GL details may not be modified if the FT is Pending or Distributed.
All Amounts must sum to zero.
Multiple FT GL details may be set to affect the Total Amount (although they are normally generated with one GL checked to affect total amount).
All FT GL's checked to affect Total Amount must sum to the Payoff Amount of the FT.
The following information is displayed:
Sequence number is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the journal line.
Total Amount defines if the journal line contains the total of the other journal lines. For example, on a bill segment for utility service, this would be turned on for the receivable account because its amount equals the sum of the other payable and revenue GL accounts.
Distribution Code is the CIS distribution code from which the GL account constituents are derived.
If the GL Account has been populated, the GL account number is displayed.
Refer to GLASSIGN - Assign GL Account Numbers To GL Details for more information about how the GL account is populated.
Amount defines the journal line's amount.
Statistic Amount defines the statistical amount that will be posted to the GL. This value is only populated on distribution lines created for calculation rules designated as affecting GL statistical quantity.
Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value describe the characteristic value that was used when the line's amount was calculated. This information is only displayed if the journal line was derived from bill calculation lines that were calculated using a bill factor (because only bill factor's use characteristic values). Refer to An Illustration Of A Bill Factor And Its Characteristics for more information.
Tax reporting. A journal line's characteristic value is NOT interfaced to the GL. We have included this attribute on the journal line so that tax reporting can be performed from this system (tax reporting typically necessitates showing each taxing authority - the characteristic value - that participated in a given tax payable GL account).
If you have configured your installation options to indicate that fund accounting is practiced, the description of the Fund associated with this distribution code is displayed.