Review Deposits
The Review Deposits background process (DEPRVW) examines all accounts with service agreements that are governed by a deposit class (i.e., service agreements with an SA type that references a deposit class). If the account fails the deposit class' Good Customer Algorithm, the system calculates the recommended deposit amount (using the deposit class' Deposit Recommendation Algorithm). If the recommended amount exceeds the amount of deposit currently requested, the system will request an additional deposit. The deposit class' Review Method Algorithm is used to determine what action to take if the system requests an additional deposit. The system's recommendations appear on the Deposit Review page.
You may optionally provide a Deposit Class as input to restrict the review to account whose service agreements reference that deposit class.
Preventing small recommendations. The system uses the deposit class's Review Tolerance Percentage to prevent the recommendation of small deposits by the Deposit Review background process. For example, if this field contains 10(%), the system would only recommend an additional deposit if the existing requested deposit amount is less than 90% of the recommended amount.
Multiple deposits could be recommended for an account. Because an account can have service agreements that belong to multiple deposit classes, it is possible for a multiple recommendations to be generated for an account.