Statement - Main
Open this page using Menu > Financial > Statement > Search.
Correcting erroneous statements. It's important to be aware that there are very few fields that are directly modifiable by a user. This is because a statement is a summary of financial transactions. If you need to change information on a statement, you must change the source information (e.g., change the statement's construct or complete additional bills) and then regenerate the statement. Refer to How To Regenerate A Statement for more information.
Description of Page
Statement is a concatenation of summary information about this record. It is composed of the name of the statement person, the statement construct print description, the create date of the statement and the statement status.
Statement ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this statement.
Indicate the Construct ID for the statement construct whose construct details should be included in this statement.
Address is a display-only field that contains the address to which the statement will be sent.
The Statement Status indicates the current status of the statement. The values are Pending, Printed.
Refer to Lifecycle of a Statement for more information.
The Create Date indicates the date that this statement was created.
The Batch Control and Batch Number are the batch process and run in which the statement was (or will be) sent to the recipient.
Refer to Printing Statements and to Statement Route Type for more information.
The Statement Action area contains buttons that you use to generate, reprint or delete a statement.
The Generate button enables you to create a statement on-line. Refer to On-line Statement Production for more information.
The Reprint button will stamp the latest run number for the statement's batch control. This will enable the statement to be reprinted the next time the batch control process executes. Refer to How to Reprint A Specific Statement for more information.
The Delete button will remove the statement and its details from the database. Refer to How to Regenerate a Specific Statement for more information.
The Display button will display an online image of the statement when pressed. Refer to Online Statement Display for more information.
You can only use the Display button if your system has been configured to display an on-line image; otherwise, a message indicating that the service is not available will appear. This option can only be configured by your technical staff. Refer to Technical Implementation Of Online Statement Display for more information.
The bottom portion of this page is dedicated to a tree that shows the statement details. The nodes expand to show every service agreement that will appear on the statement and the financial details that will be swept onto the statement for each service agreement. You may transfer to the details of any of the nodes by selecting that node. Context menus are also available for various nodes to facilitate easy navigation to other pages.
Large statements. The tree will be hard to use if the statement has many service agreements that contributed financial transactions to the statement. In this situation, transfer to the adjacent tab page and use the filter to restrict the service agreements that are shown.