Maintaining Packages
After a user enters basic information about a customer on an order, they are shown the various packages that may be offered to the customer. A package controls the various types of service agreements that will be created if the customer selects the package.
If the customer elects to take a package, the system sets up / updates the "V" (along with all of the ancillary things that happen when service is initiated, e.g., field activities are created).
The topics in this section describe the package transaction.
Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for general information about packages. Refer to The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility Rules for a discussion of how to control which packages can be used for different types of customers. Refer to Designing Campaigns and Packages for guidelines describing how to design your packages.
An order can be completed without selecting a package. It is possible to use the order transaction to simply create / update persons and accounts. Refer to Campaigns Without Packages for more information.