Maintaining Sales Representatives
1. Select Menu > Sales & Marketing > Sales Representative > Search.
2. Enter your search criteria in the Sales Representative Query zone.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the search results list, click the link for the sales representative you want to maintain. The selected sales representative opens in the Sales Representative portal.
You may also navigate to the Sales Representative portal by clicking on the appropriate Sales Representative from various portals and zones. Examples include:
Initiative Portal: The Initiative Zone or the Lead Summary By Representative.
Lead Portal: Lead zone
5. Click the appropriate record action button:
Edit – Click the Edit button to allow you to edit the main attributes of a sales representative. When you click Save, the system updates the record
Duplicate – Click the Duplicate button to create a duplicate of the sales representative being displayed. Before the new object is added to the database, a window appears asking you to enter the unique identifier of the new object. When you click OK, the system creates the record by copying the original record
Deactivate – Click the Deactivate button to transition an active sales representative to an inactive state
Delete – Click the Delete button and click OK to delete the sales representative from the database. Before you delete a sales representative, the system verifies that the sales representative is not referenced anywhere in the system. If this is the case, you cannot delete the representative. For example, if you attempt to delete a sales representative, the system ensures the sales representative is not referenced on a lead, etc.
6. For an individual sales representative, you can add the sales representative to another group by clicking the Add Rep to Another Group link in the Representative’s Group zones title bar. Select a group sales representative and click Save. You can remove the representative from a group (or groups) by selecting the group(s) and clicking the Remove Rep from Group(s) button.
7. For a representative group, you can add a representative to the group by clicking the Add Rep To This Group link in the Group’s Representatives zone’s title bar. Search for and select the individual sales representative to add to the group and click Save. You can remove representatives from a group by selecting the representatives and clicking the Remove Rep(s) from Group button.